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Organizational Development

Organizational Development (OD) at its best is a system-wide and value-based collaborative process. In their OD efforts companies apply behavioral science knowledge to the adaptive development, continuous improvement and reinforcement of organizational features such as the strategies, structures, processes, people and cultures that lead to organizational effectiveness. The distinguishing feature of leading organizations is their culture – norms, expectations. An organizations culture is omnipresent, yet difficult to grasp and it strongly influences the organizations functioning. It differentiates the organization, provides a sense of identity and facilitates commitment, enhances the “social glue” which enables people to work together motivated and effectively.

We believe that for an organization to learn faster than the rate of change in the market it needs to address the soft and the hard aspects. It needs to work top-down as well as bottom-up. Any organizational system has its own self-reorganizing intelligence and wisdom which can be tapped into not only to help meet financial goals and improve productivity but also to address stakeholder satisfaction and retain talents.

Systemic approaches to OD vary widely. Some are strongly focused on “what works” and involve a large cross-section of employees representing the whole system. Others are more intent on comparing the future strategy with the current results and identifying gap-reducing measures. Whichever approach is chosen, it is vital that top management be fully committed to the necessary and preferably proactive changes and encourage the systems intelligence to surface for full support. Facilitated training and work sessions can effectively help the collective knowledge, skills and wisdom emerge, contributing to a new organizational vision.

All OD work requires motivation and drive at all levels of the organizations. It is a marvelous challenge and opportunity to maintain such motivation and drive during an economic downward turn. Research shows time and again that the companies who invest in their people and processes during such times profile themselves as leaders when the upturn comes. We strongly recommend that organizations put in place approaches which are easy to implement, practical and sustainable. Leaders who encourage and are role models of reiterative exploration and follow-through provide powerful stimulation.


In our OD consulting and facilitation work with clients we use methods such as “Appreciative Inquiry”, “Diagonal Matrix”, “Change Portfolio Analysis”, along with other diagnostic instruments, as well as “Action Learning Groups”. We place a strong emphasis on dialogue to examine results, actions, core values and clarity of purpose.

We focus with our clients on the key elements: content, people and process.

Content addresses what must change in structure, business processes, management systems, technology – not so much by proceeding analytically as by building on what works in the system.

The people component refers to the human dynamics that influence or are a result of the change – such as dealing with people’s human reactions, learning new behaviors, challenging mindsets, addressing cultural implications.

Our 5D model of interaction pays particular attention to “emergence from the system”. We discover the situation with its challenges and opportunities with our clients and design interventions which align with the strategic intent to enable the required or desired transformation. We support sustainability with our systemic perspective as well as down-to-earth people interaction and team dynamics approaches.

In our OD consulting and facilitation work with clients we use methods such as “Appreciative Inquiry”, “Diagonal Matrix”, “Change Portfolio Analysis”, along with other diagnostic instruments, as well as “Action Learning Groups”. We place a strong emphasis on dialogue to examine results, actions, core values and clarity of purpose.